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Sumak Kawsay:  Ancestral Paths to Wholeness, Abundance, Balance, and Harmony in this Modern World

In this 2-night, 3-day retreat, an indigenous tayta yachak (shaman) and his family share with participants many of the indigenous traditions and practices rooted in ancestral knowledge that we can integrate into our own daily lives as individuals and members of families and communities. We first learn how to develop and strengthen a respectful reciprocal relationship with Allpamama (Mother Earth). Additionally we learn about ishkay yachay (two ways of knowing; heart-informed knowledge) and the personal, cultural, and social reunion of the Eagle and Condor; the practices and principles of ranti ranti, ayni, and hayni; kuyuri (pre-Incan “yoga”) poses and movement; how to incorporate ceremony and ritual into our daily lives; good nutrition with healthy indigenous food; celebrations of gratitude to Pachamama; community work projects minkakuna (mingas); and more. 


Friday, Nov 8, 10:00 am through Sunday, November 10, 4:00 pm  


$325 fee includes teachings, Andean ceremonies, seven runa mikuy meals, local transportation from San Francisco Park in Cotacachi or the Otavalo bus terminal; and overnight lodging at Pakarinka or with an Agato Kichwa Otavalo family.

Register at this link.

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